St. Martin was amazing, we loved every minute here!
Maho beach was definitely my favorite stop on this island. It's a little beach right next to the airport, so you can see planes land and take off right by you. We hung out there for about an hour just watching planes come and go. It was really cool! I didn't get any videos, but you can check out some cool videos other people took in this video.
We first went snorkeling at this beach called Divi Little Bay, and saw the biggest fish I've ever seen. We were freaked out that!

We then stopped at this beach called Simpson beach and it had the softest sand ever. We also went to this place called Mullet Bay that I loved swimming in, but I didn't take any pictures, shoot! It was seriously the best place to swim and play:)
We also met these 3 girls who caught some lizards and they let me play with them for a little :)
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