Over Thanksgiving break, we went with Dallin's parents to Colonial Williamsburg. I had never been before so I had no idea what to expect. You have to buy a pass for the day to be able to go into the buildings, and everyone is dressed up to represent what the time would have been like back then. It's kind of a funny place if you ask me!:)
We first explored inside the governor's palace...
and the garden behind the palace with it's colorful canopy of trees...
and we sat in the courtroom...
and explored the weapon hall...
and saw an original printing press...
and did some time.
We also went on this tour, and Russ got so bored that he put on his sunglasses so no one would notice that he was taking a nap! Ha! We were dying laughing, so we ducked out of that tour early.
It was charming strolling the streets and seeing the cute home styles (candid shots are my favorite ;)
Colonial Williamsburg is an interesting place.
The next day, we explored downtown washington DC by going to a museum and the Lincoln memorial of course!
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