A few weekends ago we went to see the ice castles up in New Hampshire! I really wanted to see them when we were in Utah for Christmas, but the tickets were all sold out when we were there. So, I was super glad to see that the same company does ice castles nearby us! They were so pretty and unique to see.
We drove up the night before and stayed at a friends house in New Hampshire. It was fun to get away for the weekend and spend time with these great friends!
Of course, we had to get one picture of all the babies together all bundled up in their snowsuits :)
We had so much fun exploring this winter wonderland!
In December, we went to Rhode Island with some friends to see the Newport Mansions all decorated for Christmas! They were beautiful.
So Gatsby!💛
We also went to Stratton, Vermont with Dallin's sister and her family... I wish I had more pictures from that trip!
And we walked Acorn street in Boston!
The lower section will have a fabric enclosure with another tent like enclosure placed on the top. triple bunk bed walmart